Use "niggle|niggled|niggles|niggling" in a sentence

1. He was niggled by her careless attitude.

2. Jack is niggling at bones.

3. 16 She niggled some expressions of my article.

4. Something's been niggling her all day.

5. The puzzle niggled away in Arnold's mind.

6. Stop niggling about every penny we spend.

7. She niggles endlessly over the exact pronunciation.

8. Something was niggling her.

9. Don't waste time on niggling details.

10. It's difficult for him not to niggle.

11. 19 Stop niggling about every penny we spend.

12. And that's my only other niggle(, really.

13. She had niggling doubts about their relationship.

14. Another niggling problem is their inconsistent approach to repeats.

15. He gets the occasional niggle in his right shoulder.

16. We had tremendous difficulty getting the agreement signed Every clause was niggle over.

17. Both players have been suffering from niggling injuries.

18. I don't react anymore when opponents try to niggle me.

19. And here a niggling doubt enters the mind.

20. Our lawyers will niggle over every little detail of the case.

21. She still felt the same niggling doubt: was he really telling the truth?

22. What should a Russian - free Afghanistan be called? This is no niggle.

23. 3 She keeps house industriously and frugally and niggles over every detail of each bill.

24. Don't you feel even a slight niggle about the morality of your experiments?

25. And the editor is the only area to niggle with, really.

26. My only niggle is that they should have told me sooner.

27. The matter is too small to be worth niggling over.

28. As a player he suffered from a series of niggling injuries.

29. I was niggled during those first few months by the feeling of being a charlatan.

30. She also aims to help Joe Public get rid of those niggling aches and pains.

31. So why is there a little niggle at the back of my mind?

32. Nor did it remove the niggling suspicion that Isabel was hiding something.

33. 16 synonyms for Cavil: find fault, object, complain, beef, carp, quibble, kvetch, carp, niggle, nitpick

34. He'd meant to stay longer, but a wee niggle in his mind made him return early.

35. It's been niggling at my mind ever since I met Neville in Nice.

36. I just can't remember his name - it's been niggling for a couple of weeks.

37. You tend to niggle at your partner, and get hurt when he doesn't hug you.

38. I couldn't shake off a niggling worry. Had I forgotten to lock the office door?

39. Almost as if he believed his story ... And she herself started to feel another niggle of doubt.

40. I realise now that the things which used to niggle and annoy me just don't really matter.

41. Almost immediately, the fretting, niggling worries and the sense of fearful anticipation began to return.

42. The suspect seemed to have proved his innocence, but a niggling doubt remained in my mind.

43. Of course, this is usually so, but I am having little niggling doubts about such a sweeping statement.

44. There remains the niggling doubt that this delay has something to do with our muddled sentimentality towards animals.

45. My only niggle is that the seams on the top of the shoulder are quite prominent and uncomfortable.

46. Surely, I thought, the Messiah himself - if he should ever come - won't niggle over nickels and dimes.

47. All about disillusionment, confusion, misdirection, it's phycological warfare Bidsters! Do not follow niggle the splitter! throwingmuses: Read Full Thread

48. The life we have built together is more important than any minor niggle either of us might have.

49. Always, in the background, in the dim recesses of her mind, there had been that niggling doubt.

50. The recurrence of a niggling pelvic injury - plus difficulty in gaining consistent employment - turned McGahan toward the Rising Sun.

51. However, the fabulous goal-kicker is now much more mobile than he was last year when a niggling groin injury affected him.

52. We flew back to Heathrow; it had not been a happy trip for me, full of niggling and snide remarks.

53. 9 Croft took a year's sabbatical to recover from a string of niggling injuries and is now raring to go again.

54. ‘Its current Brinkmanship is the work of a regime in which moderates have little room left to maneuver.’ ‘But there's a strange niggling as we enter into this new era of musical Brinkmanship.’

55. Thou Banishest big pain with good little pains (the bigger and harder and longer I wiggle the smaller and weaker and shorter the niggles) thou quickenest my thinking speed thou puttest to rights my executive deeds (not my remembers but never mind that) thou preventest the peril of falling down flat thou postponest disease and frailty and stroke